Sunday, May 16, 2010

Top 10 Rules for Proper Band Etiquette

1. Say "Thank You" for coming and then SHUT UP and PLAY
2. Don't suck and if you do, at least know you suck and play like you meant to suck
3. No teenage strippers dancing on stage. It is NOT ok
4. Have a cool band name, we will not come see you if your name is LAME
5. Don't just stand there, you are a rock star ACT LIKE IT
6. If you have to explain the song it looses something
7. Break stuff (guitar, amp we don't care) the crowd enjoys a wee bit of violence
8. If your band kicks ass and you are who we are there to see, please play with another equally talented band. Do not subject your crowd to a shitty opening act or we may just leave before you come on
9. You do not need to over enunciate the last word of every line, it does not make it sound cool it just makes you sound like a douche bag
10. And finally, have fun. If you look miserable, so will the crowd.

Ok so I know I said top 10 rules but here are a couple more that my friend and I came up with we just didn't want to change the title :)

I did not pay to come and sing for you. Sure, I love to sing along but I do not want to sing the whole song. I mean hell if I have to sing it for you I wanna get paid for singing it.

And this is for the local bands: Security, REALLY, trust me NOBODY is trying to get you.